Article Marketing works in a number of way, generating publicity and brand awareness as well both direct traffic and indirect traffic. All those things are assets that everyone wants for their website and the kind of traffic that it generates tends to be highly targeted, this is why Article Marketing is such a popular method of website promotion.
In order to make sure that your article gets found online, it is important how to promote it. We send your article to popular news sites and blogs so it will appear in popular websites and search engines, like Google News, and we also send your article to newsrooms and wire services that redistribute your article to thousands of additional news outlets, increasing the exposure of your brand. This online visibility brings traffic, SEO benefit, and credibility to your brand.
Article Marketing distribution service is available in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Americas (see countries). For details about Article Marketing in other countries in Europe and in the rest of the world, CONTACT US.